There are numerous exercises which are safe and fantastic for pregnant Mums BUT there are some that you should be cautious with or avoid completely.

If you have regularly trained at a high intensity before you conceived, you may be able to continue a modified version of your regular workout regimen throughout your pregnancy. If you are brand new to training or have taken a significant break from exercise, it is best to keep yourself at a lower level of exertion during your pregnancy.

Imagine if you had a scale with 0 being no exertion and 10 being a maximum effort (completely breathless), someone who is pregnant and used to high intensity exercise should not exceed an exertion rate of 8 out of 10. This rate should be lower for someone who has not been training pre pregnancy.

Exercises that should be avoided during pregnancy:

- Laying on your back for long periods after the 1st 
trimester (e.g. sits-ups, flat bench press)

- Activities that are done in high temperatures (e.g. hot 

- Any exercises that cause you any bladder leakage

- Any exercises that cause you to feel heavy in the 

- Exercises that cause doming, this is where a bulge forms 
in the abdominal wall during exercise.

Your body is going to change significantly throughout the pregnancy and some exercises are going to become more challenging in the later stages.

Be sure to check with your health care professional before commencing any exercise and if you have any issues with any exercise.

It is IMPORTANT to remember that all pregnancies are different, do not compare yourself to what a friend or ANYONE on social media can do.

Trust your instinct and do what makes you feel GOOD and what is best for you and your body and that growing baby!

(First published on our sister Facebook page- Mums Fit Club) Check us out for all things pre and post natal training.